Num | Economic Terms | Indonesian |
1 | Absolute advantage | Keuntungan absolut |
2 | Advertising | Iklan |
3 | Agency costs | Badan biaya |
4 | Present value | Nilai kini |
5 | Property rights | Hak milik |
6 | Aid | Tunjangan |
7 | Assets | Aktiva |
8 | Asymmetric information | Informasi asimetris |
9 | Auctions | Lelang |
10 | Balance of payments | Neraca pembayaran |
11 | Balanced budget | Anggaran berimbang |
12 | Producer surplus | Surplus produsen |
13 | Bankruptcy | kebangkrutan |
14 | Barriers to entry (or exit) | Hambatan masuk(atau keluar) |
15 | Barter | Barter |
16 | Basis point | Titik dasar |
17 | Bear | Menanggung |
18 | Behavioural economics | Perilaku ekonomi |
19 | Bonds | Obligasi |
20 | Profit maximum | Laba maximal |
21 | Brand | Merek |
22 | Budget | Anggaran |
23 | Business confidence | Kepercayaan Bisnis |
24 | Business cycle | Siklus bisnis |
25 | Capacity | Kapasitas |
26 | Capital | Modal |
27 | Capital adequacy ratio | Rasio Kecukupan Modal |
28 | Capital gains | Keuntungan penjualan barang modal |
29 | Capital intensive | Padat modal |
30 | Capital markets | Pasar modal |
31 | Capital structure | Struktur modal |
32 | Capitalism | Kapitalisme |
33 | Central bank | Bank Sentral |
34 | Ceteris paribus | Ceteris paribus |
35 | Charity | Amal |
36 | Classical economics | Ekonomi Klasik |
37 | Closed economy | Ekonomi Tertutup |
38 | Collateral | Jaminan |
39 | Collusion | Kolusi |
40 | Command economy | Komando ekonomi |
41 | Commodity | Komoditi |
42 | Common goods | Barang Umum |
43 | Comparative advantage | Perbandingan Keuntungan |
44 | Competitive advantage | Keunggulan Kompetitif |
45 | Competitiveness | Daya saing |
46 | Complementary goods | Pelengkap barang |
47 | Compound interest | Bunga berganda |
48 | Consumer confidence | Keyakinan konsumen |
49 | Consumer surplus | Surplus konsumen |
50 | Consumption | Konsumsi |
51 | Corruption | Korupsi |
52 | Cost of capital | Biaya Modal |
53 | Credit | Kredit |
54 | Credit crunch | Krisis kredit |
55 | Debt | Hutang |
56 | Deficit | Defisit |
57 | Deflation | Deflasi |
58 | Demand | Permintaan |
59 | Demand curve | Kurva Permintaan |
60 | Deposit insurance | Deposit asuransi |
61 | Depreciation | Penyusutan |
62 | Derivatives | Derivatif |
63 | Developing countries | Negara-negara berkembang |
64 | Development economics | Pembangunan ekonomi |
65 | Diminishing returns | Berkurang kembali |
66 | Enterprise | Perusahaan |
67 | Entrepreneur | Pengusaha |
68 | Environmental economics | Lingkungan Ekonomi |
69 | Equilibrium | Keseimbangan |
70 | Exports | Ekspor |
71 | Financial markets | Pasar Keuangan |
72 | Financial system | Sistem Keuangan |
73 | Fiscal policy | Kebijakan Fiskal |
74 | Fixed costs | Biaya Tetap |
75 | Rent | Sewa |
76 | Government bonds | Obligasi Pemerintah |
77 | Government expenditure | Pengeluaran pemerintah |
78 | Government revenue | Pendapatan pemerintah |
79 | Gross domestic product | Produk domestik bruto |
80 | Gross national product | Produk nasional bruto |
81 | Imports | Impor |
82 | Income | Penghasilan |
83 | Income tax | Pajak Pendapatan |
84 | Gini coefficient | Koefisien Gini |
85 | Inflation | Inflasi |
86 | Inflation target | Target inflasi |
87 | Insurance | Asuransi |
88 | Interest | Bunga |
89 | Investment | Investasi |
90 | Invisible hand | Tangan tak terlihat |
91 | Labour intensive | Buruh Intensif |
92 | Land | Tanah |
93 | Law and economics | Hukum dan Ekonomi |
94 | Price | Harga |
95 | Rate of Return | Tingkat pengembalian |
96 | Profit | Keuntungan |
97 | Stocks | Saham |
98 | Supply | Penawaran |
99 | Supply curve | Kurva penawaran |
100 | Subsidy | Subsidi |
Kamis, 07 Juni 2012
Economic Terms
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